Welcome members and guests
HEDRA is an organisation formed to engage and connect practitioner surveyors, arboiculturists, planners, geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, geotechnicians and city council employees for the purpose of improving and innovating the Australia residential building industry.
HEDRA Research
HEDRA helps fund various research projects where post graduate students (of various levels) are working on projects related to domestic construction, and these students are at Deakin, Swinburne and RMIT universities. These research project cover subjects as important and drivers as:
• Predicting how a soil will perform with changes in soil moisture.
• Predicting if and how an established dwelling will perform in the longterm on a specific site.
• Considering how Climate change will influence soil and hence house performance into the future.
With respect to the later subject, the Queensland Government through the QBCC is funding the research for the Queensland part of the project.
Please peruse this website for contacts and information and if you are not already a member, please contact us for an application form to enjoy membership benefits.